Wednesday, 15 February 2012


I love the University of Cape Town! We are in the first week of classes, and although some of my friends are overwhelmed/terrified by some mean professors and frustrating bureaucracy, I have had a very positive experience so far! I'll admit, it's been soo annoying how registration and adding/dropping classes aren't online, so you have to go to this office and then go to that place and stand in line for two hours and then bring this form here etc... BUT once you get past all that, it's such a cool place! I like lists, so here are reasons why UCT is great:
1. They love rugby here! Since I missed out on the big football school experience, I am loving how much this school rallies around rugby games, and I joined this club where I get free tickets to all our rugby games. Apparently our team is the reigning champion!

2. The campus is on a beautiful mountain overlooking the city. This is a blessing and a curse, because everything is uphill or downhill and there are thousands of stairs everywhere, but I just like to think I'll be in incredible shape by the end.
This is the view looking up at Upper Campus:

And this is the view looking down from Upper Campus:
3. There are tons of awesome clubs (they call them societies) here, and as international students, we're allowed to join 3 for free! I joined: Wine and Culture Society (literally, free wine tastings every week. why would anyone not join this?), Ikey's Vibe (which isn't a club, but a membership (I think Ikey is what they call the rugby team? i'm still not clear on that...) that gets me free access to rugby games and discounts at local businesses), and UCT Capoeira Society (Capoeira is a Brazilian martial art that is like a combination of dancing and fighting, and something on my life bucket list). Sorry, lots of parentheses. 

4. My classes are awesome. I'm taking a Gender Studies course called Theories, Politics, Action, which is about feminist movements in Africa and is so interesting and the professor is awesome; a history class called Genocide: African Experiences, self explanatory; and a graduate seminar called Public Culture/Race, Culture and Identity in Africa (its a combo of two courses), which is also fascinating. It's gonna be a ton of work, but my schedule  is pretty free and so far all the classes have been great!

5. There are approximately 129,123,908 places to eat on campus. I literally discover a new cafe/vendor/cart/food shack/restaurant on campus every day, sometimes several times a day. And it's all cheap and delicious! It's unreal, I can't even tell you.

6. They go big during Orientation Week! The week before classes is freshman and international student orientation and they have tons of big parties and events and trips, both for the whole school and by dorms. The main one was Big Bash, which was this massive dance party on the plaza outside Parliament in the city. So fun! Also, it was the day after Parliament actually convened there and Jacob Zuma gave the State of the Nation address.
7. There are some really cool and friendly students here! It's been fun meeting people from here and all over Africa. Also, everyone is really well dressed here. American students are so shlumpy compared to the kids here, I'm telling you...

8. Because it's warm out all the time, the campus is always so bubbly and warm and alive and people sit out on the steps in front of the main building, Jameson Hall, and it's just wonderful!

There are definitely a few things that suck, like how I still can't figure out where you go to print things, and that final exams count for like 50% of your grade, but no point in dwelling on the negative! (someone remind me that I wrote this when it's finals time)


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